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Village(s): Tosh, Tosh-Kutla

District: Manikaran

Province: Himachal Pradesh

Area: Parvati Valley

Region: Northwest India

Appellation: Tosh

Country: India

Regional Planting: Spring

Regional Harvest: October to November

Height: 1-4 metres

Classification: NLD type Landrace population


General Info:

Tosh Village sits at the end of a newly constructed road from Barshaini with the old ‘Kutla’ fields - now a small hamlet a few kilometers farther up the valley towards the glaciers of Pin-Parvati national park.

Over the years the slow creep upwards of the fields has become very noticeable in Tosh due to the rapid expansion of the hamlet into a small town with a mass tourism industry. These days, the village feral plants are closely guarded and rubbed very early while the main ‘Upper’ fields are harvested after and are much higher above the village in the surrounding valleys.

Tosh-Kutla - ‘Kutla’ meaning ‘higher ground’ in the local Kullui dialect used to be the location of significant fields until 2005 when large police raids forced the growers up the mountain into the locations of the current fields. The total growing area - though scattered - is huge with domesticate landrace fields extending in every direction on the higher altitudes. Goi and Chorang stand out as some of the best situated fields with the most beautiful plants this season. We made a lot of selections there from deeply pigmented black and purple plants.

Sharam Thatch is a spectacular field set apart from the rest by its location at 3500m altitude about 2 hours hike further towards the glacier from Kutla. Seeds from here are limited due to the effort needed to reach this location even compared to the other collection sites! 


Accession info:

Please see our guide to how the accessions are classified and named here.

The following accessions were made from September to November 2022.


Tosh Village General Population

Type: Open Pollinated Domesticate Landrace

Lieux-dit: N/A

Altitude: 2400-3000m

Height: 1.5-3 metres


Tosh Village Selection

Type: Open Pollinated Domesticate Landrace

Lieux-dit: N/A

Altitude: 2400-3000m

Height: 1.5-3 metres


Tosh ‘Upper’ Selection

Type: Open Pollinated Domesticate Landrace

Lieux-dit: ‘Upper’

Altitude: 3000-3500m

Height: 1.5-3 metres


Tosh Feral Selection

Type: Open Pollinated Feral Landrace

Lieux-dit: N/A

Altitude: 2400-3000m

Height: 1.5-4 metres


Tosh-Kutla Village General Population

Type: Open Pollinated Domesticate Landrace

Lieux-dit: N/A

Altitude: 2400-3000m

Height: 1.5-3 metres


Tosh-Kutla Village Selection

Type: Open Pollinated Domesticate Landrace

Lieux-dit: N/A

Altitude: 2400-3000m

Height: 1.5-3 metres


Tosh-Kutla ‘Goi’ Selection

Type: Open Pollinated Domesticate Landrace

Lieux-dit: ‘Goi’

Altitude: 3000-3200m

Height: 1.5-3 metres


Tosh-Kutla ‘Goi Black’ Selection

Type: Open Pollinated Domesticate Landrace

Lieux-dit: ‘Goi’

Altitude: 3000-3200m

Height: 1.5-3 metres


Tosh-Kutla ‘Chorang’ Selection

Type: Open Pollinated Domesticate Landrace

Lieux-dit: ‘Chorang’

Altitude: 3000-3200m

Height: 1.5-3 metres


Tosh-Kutla ‘Chorang Black’ Selection

Type: Open Pollinated Domesticate Landrace

Lieux-dit: ‘Chorang’

Altitude: 3000-3200m

Height: 1.5-3 metres


Tosh-Kutla ‘Sharam Thatch’ Selection

Type: Open Pollinated Domesticate Landrace

Lieux-dit: ‘Sharam Thatch’

Altitude: 3500m

Height: 1.5-3 metres


Tosh-Kutla ‘Sharam Thatch’ Feral Selection

Type: Open Pollinated Feral Landrace

Lieux-dit: N/A

Altitude: 3500m

Height: 1.5-4 metres


  • According to the Single Convention on Narcotic drugs signed in Vienna in 1961, the possession, importation and traffic of hemp seeds are not subject to regulation. This treaty expressly excludes cannabis seeds from the list of narcotic substances that are subject to international oversight. However, while the possession of hemp seeds is not a criminal offense in France, the cultivation of cannabis can result in administrative and penal sanctions as stipulated by Article 222-35 of the Penal Code. Zomia Collective S.A.R.L. carries no responsibility for the misuse of any products sold to users. Zomia Cannabis Collective store, and its domains, remain compliant with French law.