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Villages: Grahan, Pulgi & Thunja

District: Bhuntar

Province: Himachal Pradesh

Area: Parvati Valley

Region: Northwest India

Appellation: Grahan

Country: India

Regional Planting: Spring

Regional Harvest: October to November

Height: 1-4 metres

Classification: NLD type Landrace population


General Info:

Grahan Valley stretches east to west perpendicular to Parvati Valley with the Saar Pass (4100m) at the northwestern end of the valley leading to Pulga, Tosh and Kheerganga. There is a road which stretches halfway along the bottom of the valley from Kasol to the trailheads for Thunja, Grahan and Pulgi.

The villages of Grahan valley are relatively remote and difficult to access compared to the nearby alternatives of Rasol, Choj and Chalal giving the area a somewhat more tranquil and beautiful atmosphere. Since the advent of mass tourism to Parvati - the main income sources and the lifestyles of many of the locals revolve around tourism and the charas trade.

Grahan, Pulgi and Thunja are somewhat damp and dark owing to the position of the villages and the valley itself within the larger mountain range but the higher fields of the Grahan ‘Kutla’ ‘Upper’ and ‘Top’ along with most of the Thunja fields benefit a lot from their altitude in terms of catching sunlight.

Plants in the valley are most prized by locals when exhibiting ‘mango’ aromas although a spectrum of terpene profiles is found in the fields. Given their location and relatively dense planting - the lower fields are filled with very resistant plants able to put up with a lot of humidity right in the middle of flowering - as is often the case due to the local monsoon. Upper fields contained a lot of purple and black coloured plants compared to the lower fields with those plants often sporting a bright, fruity profile with a strong herbaceous fennel-like character. 


Three villages produce all of the charas in Grahan Valley:


Grahan - South Facing (2400m)

Pulgi - South Facing (2400m)

Thunja - Southwest Facing (2500m)


Accession info:

Please see our guide to how the accessions are classified and named here.

The following accessions were made from September to November 2022.


Grahan Village General Population

Type: Open Pollinated Domesticate Landrace

Lieux-dit: N/A

Altitude: 2100-2500m

Height: 1.5-3 metres


Grahan Village Selection

Type: Open Pollinated Domesticate Landrace

Lieux-dit: N/A

Altitude: 2100-2500m

Height: 1.5-3 metres


Grahan ‘Riverside’ Selection

Type: Open Pollinated Domesticate Landrace

Lieux-dit: ‘Riverside’

Altitude: 2100-2350m

Height: 1.5-3 metres


Grahan ‘Upper Terraces’ Selection

Type: Open Pollinated Domesticate Landrace

Lieux-dit: ‘Upper Terraces’

Altitude: 2400-2700m

Height: 1.5-3 metres


Grahan ‘Kutla’ Selection

Type: Open Pollinated Domesticate Landrace

Lieux-dit: ‘Kutla’

Altitude: 2700-3000m

Height: 1.5-3 metres


Grahan Feral Selection

Type: Open Pollinated Feral Landrace

Lieux-dit: N/A

Altitude: 2100-2400m

Height: 1.5-4 metres


Pulgi General Population

Type: Open Pollinated Domesticate Landrace

Lieux-dit: N/A

Altitude: 2300-2400m

Height: 1.5-3 metres


Pulgi Village Selection

Type: Open Pollinated Domesticate Landrace

Lieux-dit: N/A

Altitude: 2300-2400m

Height: 1.5-3 metres


Thunja General Population

Type: Open Pollinated Domesticate Landrace

Lieux-dit: N/A

Altitude: 2400-2700m

Height: 1.5-3 metres


Thunja Village Selection

Type: Open Pollinated Domesticate Landrace

Lieux-dit: N/A

Altitude: 2400-2700m

Height: 1.5-3 metres


Thunja Feral Selection

Type: Open Pollinated Feral Landrace

Lieux-dit: N/A

Altitude: 2100-2400m

Height: 1.5-4 metres




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